For your favorite Virginian:
Cities of Virginia by BandaPrints.
For the aspiring business owner:
Business Cards from Pixel Impress.
For the lover of bags:
Leather clutch from EvaEStevez.
For the bride-to-be:
Custom calligraphy stamp from AngeliqueInk.
For the lover of earrings: (had to put something in from my shop! :) )
Aqua briolette earrings from Erinmcartwright.
For anyone who needs some inspiration:
Keep Calm and Carry On archival print by cutpasteprint.
For the girl who loves scarves:
Watercolor Scarf by CarolHannah.
For the person who loves interesting candles:
Soy wax teacup candles by SquinkStudios.
Why not make an effort this year to support local/small businesses?